
LibertyLance - Decentralized gig based marketplace for freelancers on the Ethereum blockchain

Introducing LibertyLance, a self-regulating and decentralized gig-based marketplace designed for freelancers and clients to transact in the quickest and most transparent fashion through smart contracts. Our platform gives freelancers the opportunity to showcase their gigs for a particular fixed price and will give clients the opportunity to select from various gigs based on the ratings, price and delivery. Smart contracts will be used to ensure smooth transaction and act as an escrow medium between the two parties without involving any middleman. LibertyLance is a platform that gives you the opportunity to change your life as a freelancer. It offers a trustless marketplace and fair entry point for clients and freelancers because it is based on shared resources by its decentralized nature, and not by large enterprises. The core values of LibertyLance is based on the platform’s users. As a client, you will be able to select from various gigs based on the price freelancers offer ...

INVOX FINANCE - Revolusi Platform paling inovatif di dunia

Hallo sobat sekalian,jika anda ingin berinvestasi pada program Initial coin offering (ICO) maka saya punya info ICO yang sangat bagus untuk anda ikuti yaitu Morpheus Labs - Powerful Inclusive Full Stack Blockchain-Platform-As-a-Service for Enterprises.Untuk lebih detail nya tentang Proyek ini mari kita bahas bersama sama  Namun sebelum bergabung dengan program ICO kita harus tahu dulu apa itu Morpheus Labs.  Invox  adalah platform pinjaman faktur senilai 2,8 triliun dolar AS. Dipimpin oleh tim bintang dengan lebih dari $ 30 juta pembiayaan faktur di belakangnya, Invox Finance menciptakan platform pinjaman faktur peer-to-peer yang terdesentralisasi yang memungkinkan penjual, pembeli, investor, dan penyedia layanan lainnya untuk secara langsung terhubung, berinteraksi, berbagi dan mendistribusikan informasi Saat ini, industri pembiayaan faktur ditahan oleh: Suku bunga tinggi, Kurangnya kontak antar pihak, Resiko tinggi, Kurangnya penyelam investasi, Sengketa, Penipuan, K...

RxEAL is a platform for untrusted

RxEAL , the new platform for secure deposit storage of collateral rental in Ethereal, announces the commencement of its own token sale. The RxEAL platform plans to address the growing number of dispute deposits - providing an easy way to conclude "smart" contracts and offering decentralized dispute resolution. Currently, the company's main focus is on real estate leases and car rental markets. A real solution to a growing problem Today, more and more people are involved in real estate rental deals, cars and other property types. The increase in rental volume leads to an increase in disagreements related to lease guarantees. Significant amounts - nearly 50% of all warranties worldwide - are in dispute, causing financial losses to tenants and landlords. Only in Britain, the total loss due to the dispute is estimated at 6 billion euros. "The mission of RxEAL is to create conditions for a conflict-free circulation of the deposit-deposit guarantee. We want t...


Safein will be the first payment service provider in the world to include the necessary documents so they can obtain EI Electronic Funds (EI) licenses covering the payment of crypto and fiat. Our main target is to eliminate useless registrations and KYC checks by allowing our users to do it just once on our platform and then using that data whenever you use online services. With live MVP you can try, users simply visit the Safein website, register, download the app, and try it. Good product, by outstanding company. ABOUT SAFEIN Safein is a single-on platfrom and onlne payment wallet, an account on safefire platform that can be used on various websites to shop online, this provides convenience to us without having to register again on other web. safein is a revolution in how to pay, register and access our own identity authentication. Safein gives us full access to our own data controls, we can log in anonymously and share the necessary data only by the website but we can per...